International Marriage

Living in Relationship Agreements in India

Living in relationships, where couples cohabit without getting married, have become increasingly common in India, reflecting changing societal norms and attitudes towards traditional marital institutions. However, the legal recognition and protection for such relationships can be complex. A Living in Relationship Agreement serves as a crucial tool for couples to define their rights, responsibilities, and obligations, providing legal clarity and security. This guide explores the concept of living in relationship agreements in India, their benefits, and key considerations.

Understanding Living in Relationship Agreements

A Living in Relationship Agreement is a legal contract between two individuals who choose to live together without getting married. This agreement outlines the terms of the relationship, including financial responsibilities, property ownership, and the division of assets in case of separation. It serves as a safeguard for both parties, ensuring that their rights are protected and reducing the potential for disputes.

Legal Status of Living in Relationships in India

Living in relationships are not explicitly recognized under Indian law as marriage is, but the judiciary has gradually acknowledged the rights of couples in such arrangements. The Supreme Court of India has, on several occasions, affirmed that living in relationships are valid and that couples in such relationships should have similar rights as married couples, particularly in cases of domestic violence and inheritance.

Key Legal Aspects:

  1. Domestic Violence Act, 2005: The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act includes provisions to protect women in live-in relationships from abuse, recognizing their right to seek legal protection and maintenance.
  2. Inheritance Rights: While children born out of live-in relationships have been granted inheritance rights by the courts, the partners themselves may not automatically inherit each other’s property unless specified in a will.
  3. Recognition by the Courts: The courts have ruled that a live-in relationship that is long-term and resembles a marriage may be considered equivalent to marriage in terms of legal protection.

Benefits of a Living in Relationship Agreement

Creating a Living in Relationship Agreement can offer several benefits to couples:

  1. Legal Clarity: The agreement provides a clear understanding of each partner’s rights and responsibilities, reducing the potential for misunderstandings and disputes.
  2. Financial Security: The agreement can specify how finances will be managed, including contributions to household expenses, joint investments, and financial support in case of separation.
  3. Property Ownership: Couples can outline the ownership of shared property, ensuring that both parties have a fair claim to assets acquired during the relationship.
  4. Protection in Case of Separation: In the event of a breakup, the agreement can provide a clear framework for the division of assets and responsibilities, helping to avoid lengthy legal battles.
  5. Custody of Children: If the couple has children, the agreement can outline arrangements for custody, visitation rights, and financial support, providing stability and security for the children.

Key Components of a Living in Relationship Agreement

  1. Financial Arrangements

The agreement should specify how the couple will manage their finances, including:

  • Contribution to household expenses (rent, utilities, groceries, etc.)
  • Bank accounts and savings
  • Debts and liabilities
  • Financial support in case of separation
  1. Property and Asset Ownership

The agreement should outline the ownership of any shared property or assets, including:

  • Ownership of the home or rental agreements
  • Division of furniture, vehicles, and other assets
  • Joint investments and savings
  • Distribution of assets in case of separation
  1. Personal Responsibilities

The agreement can also specify each partner’s responsibilities, including:

  • Household chores and maintenance
  • Care for children or pets
  • Support in case of illness or disability
  • Expectations for personal conduct and behavior
  1. Custody and Support for Children

If the couple has children, the agreement should address:

  • Custody arrangements (joint or sole custody)
  • Visitation rights for the non-custodial parent
  • Child support payments and financial responsibilities
  • Educational and healthcare decisions
  1. Dispute Resolution

The agreement should include a clause for resolving disputes that may arise during the relationship, such as:

  • Mediation or counseling as the first step in resolving conflicts
  • Arbitration or legal action if disputes cannot be resolved amicably
  • Terms for modifying the agreement as circumstances change
  1. Termination of the Agreement

The agreement should specify the conditions under which it can be terminated, including:

  • Mutual consent of both parties
  • Specific events, such as marriage or separation
  • Procedures for dividing assets and financial support upon termination

How to Create a Living in Relationship Agreement

Creating a Living in Relationship Agreement involves the following steps:

  1. Consult a Lawyer: It’s advisable to consult a lawyer who specializes in family law to ensure that the agreement is legally sound and covers all necessary aspects.
  2. Discuss Terms with Your Partner: Open and honest communication with your partner is essential to agree on the terms of the agreement.
  3. Draft the Agreement: With the help of a lawyer, draft the agreement, ensuring that it reflects the mutual understanding and consent of both parties.
  4. Review and Sign: Both partners should carefully review the agreement before signing it. It’s important that both parties fully understand and agree to the terms.
  5. Keep a Copy: Each partner should keep a signed copy of the agreement in a safe place. It may also be advisable to register the agreement with a legal authority to further strengthen its enforceability.


A Living in Relationship Agreement is an important legal document that provides security and clarity for couples choosing to live together without getting married. While living in relationships may still face societal challenges in India, having a well-drafted agreement can help protect the rights of both partners and provide a clear framework for managing their relationship.

By addressing key aspects such as financial arrangements, property ownership, and responsibilities toward children, couples can ensure that their relationship is based on mutual respect, understanding, and legal protection. As living in relationships become more common in India, the importance of such agreements in safeguarding the interests of both partners cannot be overstated.

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